Interventional Radiology and Fluoroscopy

Interventional radiology refers to minimally invasive, image-guided medical treatments. Procedures use real-time imaging techniques, including X-rays and ultrasound, to guide the operator.

Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging which shows a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, much like an X-ray movie.

Contact us

We can be contacted via the main hospital switchboard on 01392 411611

To contact the Medical Imaging Team, call 01392 402 336

The team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

Alternatively, you can email us at:

More about us

Interventional radiology

Interventional radiology can be used as a quick and safe alternative to traditional surgery, resulting in better outcomes for patients and shorter stays in hospital.

Most interventional radiology treatments are minimally invasive alternatives to open and laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.

Interventional radiology can be used to remove blood clots, drain organs or stop severe bleeding caused by a variety of conditions. These include trauma injuries, internal haemorrhages and problems during childbirth.

Non-emergency treatments include procedures to destroy cancer tumours, open narrow or blocked arteries and treat painful uterine fibroids.


Fluoroscopy examinations are often done while a contrast dye moves through the part of the body being looked at.

A continuous X-ray beam is passed through the body part and sent to a video monitor so that the moving body part, such as joints or organs can be seen in detail.

Fluoroscopy examinations are performed by a radiologist (a doctor trained to review medical images) or a specialist radiographer. They are assisted by nursing staff and radiographers.

Fluoroscopy usually involves using a dye or fluid so that movement on screen can be detected. Examples of procedures include; injecting dye containing iodine into a joint space or asking the patient to drink barium solution which then coats the bowel so that it shows up on X-ray.

Some examinations take minutes, others can take a few hours.

Where to find us

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Barrack Road

The Medical Imaging Department, Template M, Level 1

Patient information leaflets

Click here to see our patient information leaflets.

Requesting copies of your scans

If you would like copies of your images on disc, please download and complete a Data Protection Act form. Please visit the 'Accessing your Medical Records' page for more information.

Once the signed form is returned to the department, we will process your request - this can take up to 30 days. There is no charge for this service.

Last updated: April 23, 2024


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